5 Things You Must Know Before Mountain Biking in St. George, Utah


1. A bike with fully functional breaks. If your breaks don’t properly work, please don’t be stupid and go mountain biking.
2. A helmet. Again…Don’t be stupid. (2 members in our group fell and got some battle wounds. I am not naming names because we promised not to worry our moms. Moms: If you are reading this, your child is fine…they came home to you in one piece SO no worries:]) <—-Probably because THEY WORE THEIR HELMETS!
3. Bring a camelback. If you don’t have one, INVEST IN ONE. Those come in handy when you’re pushing up a hill.
4. Sunblock. If you are in St. George, you probably need to bring sunscreen.
5. Bring food. You’re bound to get hungry. Mountain biking is an all day thing.

WHAT WE DID: We bought 3 HUGE sub sandwiches from Walmart. They were almost two feet long and had plenty of choices for $5. We all ate like Kings and still had some left out of the three sandwiches we bought. WIN!

St. George seems to be a great place to mountain bike because there are so many trails JUST FOR MOUNTAIN BIKING. All the trails have really weird names. Like: Guacamole, rhythm and blues, & the one we went on was Bear Claw Poppy which was so much fun. The great thing about that trail is that you ride up the mountain but it doesn’t feel like you are tugging up a hill at all. It pretty much just feels like you are riding up a non-hill path. BUT when you come down the mountain, you can definitely tell you were biking up hills. WHICH MAKES IT AWESOME!

Although Bear Claw Poppy seems like it is not too hard because of the really subtle uphill, once you get to the top of the hill, you’re dropping sweat like crazy. Once, I got to the top, I was REALLY dizzy so I had to take a minute to lay down and breathe for a little bit. I was already hydrated, so that wasn’t the issue. I was on an empty stomach. WHAT I WISH I WOULD HAVE DONE: eat a really LIGHT healthy snack, like a granola/protein bar. We also went to another trail called “Grapevine.” It was okay. We liked the other trail, Bear Claw Poppy, so much better. Grapevine was beautiful but it was all uphill and it felt like we were getting nowhere. There was no goal and no end in sight = NOT FUN.

I never thought St. George could be so beautiful but it was. I definitely recommend it; especially if you want to go mountain biking. Oh, and we loved hanging out with our cousins. They are the BEST!