9 Thoughts Eric Thought While Thinking About Spain

1. Burger King and McDonalds are a big deal.
BK earned its fame here by being first to teach Spaniards what “free re-fills” were. Luckily your choices are Coke…Coke light… Coke caffeine free… Coke Zero. Each establishment looks like a million dollar investment. A location in Madrid had projectors in the ceiling; lighting each table with a motion sensor game to play while you eat.

2. Sunday, the only day to rest? Yes.
Anything food, retail, or service related employment usually means you work 6 days a week. Don’t worry; most stores are required to close during
2pm- 4pm; its mandatory nap time. They take advantage of Sunday’s to go out and enjoy time with friends since it is the only day they typically do not work.

3. Chorizo is a big deal
You’ll for sure be introduced to the famous raw intestine looking sausage in no time. In fact there is a whole holiday dedicated to eating it. “Dia Del Campo.” To me, I found it to be tough and really greasy. They make it in a way where you don’t have to refrigerate all while remaining free of preservatives.

4. Living in apartments vs. single family houses
Most people here feel compelled to live in apartment buildings also known as “pisos.” We asked people as to why they prefer apartment buildings over single family homes: social aspects and safety/security reasons. The few houses we did see looked like they had been passed on for generations or had expensive price tags.

 5. Rebajas
Interested in getting 60%-70% off clothing prices? “Rebajas” is a countrywide sale for the month of July and January. Pull and Bear, Bershka, and Zara were really great options and all over the place.

6. Taxis are commission based BEWARE
One night we called a taxi to come pick us up. Little did we know that when you call them, the mileage starts from wherever they are at the moment. After not looking until the end of our ride I was charged double than what I should have. These guys are all commission based and like it when you call them to come pick you up. If you’re in need of a ride, just go find one parked on the side of the road. It is much cheaper. Or…take the bus: 1,20 euros.

7. Cemeteries are quite different
After only ever seeing gravesites with the graves underground… it was unusual to see how they do it in Europe: Above ground, little buildings, part of town with the best view, and you usually buy your grave spot with your family… before you die. They say: “Why not give the dead the best view? They are going to be there longer.”

8. Duffin Dagels or Dunkin Donuts?
This was just one example of the copies Spain had thanks to America. Duffin Dagles is a real place. No joke, look it up. I laughed when I saw it, but hey, if it’s a proven business franchise and it works? A copy will do just as well. Here are some other copies, I bet you can guess which stores they came from; “Woman’s Secret” and “Game.”

           9. Hospitals! Stay as long as you want!
Free health care sounds good until you get what you pay for. There is no rush or reason to get patients out. The doctors are there in the morning and are only available to talk to at 1:00pm. Don’t bother asking the nurses, they’ll just tell you to “come back tomorrow.”